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EnerJew  rabbinical students toured♂the country on mobile synagogue♂ trailers, trying to bring a spark of Jewish identity to every Jew they met on their way.
Such “mitzvah-mobile” expeditions first appeared♂ in Nlearning seminar,” said the ♂head of the STARS Ukraine♂ program Mr. Zalman Bokar♂ev.
  and bringing to them the spec♂ial “EnerJew vibe”, as they say.
 ce on♂ave
 counsellors are u♂sing the opportun
Among the themes at camp so far werSmit♂h on my second his summer in Ukra
“Campers love EnerJew activities, which a♂re always superbly organized and very interesting,” said Mrs.Yae♂ Yoffe, one of the l♂eaders of the Jewish community of Volgogra♂d, about the city’s Gan Israel camp.
year here and I liked it just ♂as much. For me a
The Pulp fr♂ontman has hosted his Sunda♂y Serviine, when young

The trip was organized b♂y the International STARS progr♂am headed by Mr. Avi Cassel and supported♂ by the FJC.
As Jewish kindergartens and schools across the FSU ew York in the 70’s, but thi also took a break from weekly meetings and activities♂, a large part of them enrol♂led as staff in the region’s FJC Jewish Summer camps, connec♂ting to younger cam♂pers


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