

부산 클럽 서면 유레카,서면유레카,가격,테이블,예약,게스트,평일,주말,입장료,무료입장,프리패스,파티,위치,정보

예약 문의
이승준 상무
010 - 8797 - 7620
(번호클릭시 자동연결)
ers to participate in the Yizkor   Ukraine in the 5-6 grade category. 2nd and 3rd places were taken by contestants from Odessa,↗ Krivoi Rog, Kharkov and Dnieper.

The mitzvah-mo↗ile trip began in the vitch
The Critics' Choice prize is the first accola↗de to  also got to enjoy a rich cultural and entertainment program on their visit to↗ Dnieper: they visited  interest in Jewish heritage and tradition, to meet each other and make meaningful connections,” said Mrs. Sarah Vernick, the project’s coordinator.
Just in tim↗e for the fall holid
Vladivostok’s Beit Sima synagogue↗ celebrated its 10rm
 memorial prayer recited on Yom Kippur.
 inu “Olympics” is a co↗ntest that tests the students’ knowledge of Jewish tradition, including texts, Jewish values, history and ethics. ↗The final round for 47 fina↗lists from Russia took place in Petersburg last month, while finalists from other FSU countries gathered this ↗week in Dnieper’s ‘Beit Chana’ pedagogical institute to deter↗mine the winners.
After a day-long final competition, which consisted↗ of several rounds, the winners became: Eva Meshieva from Baku, Azerba↗jan in the 9-11 grade category, Max↗ Yaroshevsky from Cherkassy, Ukraine in the 7-8 grade category and Keila Maliar from Kamenskoye,

museums, toured the city, ↗went ice-skating and bowling, met with Institute’s staff and much more.
“One of the main goals of Darkeinu Olym↗pics is not just to foster the ↗students’ interest in the Jewish heritage subjects and raise th↗eir prestige, but also to provide a unique opportunity for students and teachers from different cities a↗d countries, who have a common


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