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예약 문의
이승준 상무
010 - 8797 - 7620
(번호클릭시 자동연결)
n enjoyed a visit from special guests at t↙he end of last week: chief rabbi of Russia Bere↙ Lazar and FJC president Lev Leviev spent the shabbat with the community, prior to that visiting th↙e city’s Or Avner Jewish  . ↙
 . All of th↙e final’s participants also received 
“We were impressed on statements ↙ local government in Italy.
Speaking to JTA from the region of Calabria are,” said Dr. Iona Shneider, o↙ne of the Darkeinu ment↙ors.
 school and kindergarten.
The pray↙er will be recited at the Western W↙a his year FJC’s popular Rostov Jewish summer camp, moved to a larger camp site on the↙ Azov sea, geared to accommodate the growing de↙mand for Gan Israel Rostov. More than 200 campers enrolled this y↙ear, from Rostov and the southern region of Russia, including 40 children fro↙m↙ war-torn cities in Ukrai↙ne. The major↙ity of our counselors were graduates of Rostov’s local branch of FJC’s  EnerJew youth club, which has revolutionized youth activities across the FSU
 in southern Italy o↙n Friday, Lazar said: “The local government here said that because ↙this is a religious product, they are going to ma↙e sure no sanctio↙are going to be applied on the etrogim.” He added that Russi↙a imports the etrogim as a religious article exempt from taxation.
ades. We are also very proud of the teachers, who really t↙y to implement all the tools Darkeinu provides to ill↙uminate Jewish heritage su↙bjects as th↙e treasures they


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