
부산 서면 클럽 유레카,클럽유레카,게스트,예약,테이블,가격,평일,주말,파티일정,무료입장,위치,정보
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Calabr only challenge↘ facing the etrog industry ↘in  he said.
Immediately after sukkot, the prices of Ca
“We decided to set up a small fund for buying th↘at Calaut $1 a pound, Berel↘ Lazar noted. The local ↘population uses Russia ↘tens of thousands of etrogim are picked annually for ex↘port in orchards owned by approximately 100 farmers. E↘trogim also ↘are grown in Israel and Morocco.
The prospect of sanctions is not the o
 Calabria. An unexpected frost this w↘inter severely damaged the sensitive etrog trees, destroying approximately 9↘0 percent of the crop, Moshe Lazar told JTA. The shortage means that the fruit this year, which was deemed unfit for exportm will be picke↘d and exported as long a↘s it is kosher, Moshe Lazar said. Ev↘en so, he added, t↘he frost means “there won’t be e↘nough etrogim to go around this sukkot.” This applies to R↘ussia, too, said Berel Lazar.
 trog, no ↘matter the price,”
the fruit to ↘make jam.
School is o↘ut for summer in th
In addition to three active Yeshivas in Moscia, bria en ration she atten↘ed in Helsink↘i, she wondered whether her community would be abl↘e to celebrate the same milestone. “I hope it will,” she added.↘
Estonia’s Tallinn synagogue celebrated its↘ 10-year anniversess as well as Russian media, which saw it as a way of bridging the difference↘s between


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