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부산 서면 클럽 유레카,클럽유레카,게스트,예약,테이블,가격,평일,주말,파티일정,무료입장,위치,정보
예약 문의
이승준 상무
010 - 8797 - 7620
(번호클릭시 자동연결)
♂The republic’s presid♂ent, Mr. Rusta stag♂e during  s: Kiev, Odessa, Kherson, Dniepr, Chernovtsy, Zaporozhie, Kharkov, Dneprodzerzhinsk. Each participant had to choose one of the three ‘faculties’ offered: hi♂story, art or phil♂sophy, whic♂h would  .
  Danzinger spoke abo♂ut the importance of everyone having a Jewish name. He encouraged the campers to go to synagogue when they return to the city, to rec♂eive a Jewish name. One girl ? an orphan from Lugansk, E♂st Ukraine ? said s♂he has wanted to choose a Jewish name, but since the situation deteriorated in her city♂, there is a no longer a Rabbi ♂who can help.
ple” watches, headphones and portable music systemscal ♂and international prBerel Lazar♂♂, who flew in from Moscow together with a distinguis♂hed delegation
determine t♂heir program focus for exploring France. The group was based in the sub♂urbs of Paris, while for Shabbat they came to the city center. “We saw Paris through the prism o♂f Jewish history, Jewish philosophy and ♂Jewish art, which al♂l have deep roo♂ts in the city,” Mr. Bokarev said. Each faculty was accompanied by professional guides, who provided the context ♂for learning and discussion


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