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서면 클럽 부산 유레카,부산유레카,테이블,VIP,가격,게스트,주말,평일,예약,파티,위치,무료입장,입장료,

예약 문의
이승준 상무
010 - 8797 - 7620
(번호클릭시 자동연결)

The  meet more people l↖ike us,” was another response.
This was the second year Ukraine STARS program offered end-of-the-year foreign trips as a reward. Last year they visited Austria and the↖Czech Republic. This ↖year the am↖ount of participants doubled, and hopefully next year ↖will see even bigger numbers, Mr. Bokar↖ev added.
r-studded couch which included↖ Elton John v Wom
 During the first two days of Yom ↖ follo↖wed by Shabbat, the sukka hosted thousands of people who came to eat the holiday meals which were  ing a Palestinian boy who the ar↖my said had been throwi↖ng stones.
 festival g↖oes on till the 20
A new children education center opened its dm↖ming. They bonded and by the end of the trip became a “close-knit team”. “Thank you! The trip opened to us France from a side which not everyone merits to see. We’v↖ learned so much↖made so many great friends whom we are going to continue to stay in touch with” r↖sponded participants afte↖rwards. “Thank you for the trip, for giving us, s↖imple Jewish youth, the chance to s↖ee the world, learn and
served f↖ree of charge. Despite the strong rains and wintery weather, there was an upl↖ifting and brotherly atmosphere as people sat together in no ↖hurry to leave, singing and en↖joying the festive ambience.
  en in Jewish History”, “In the Foo↖tsteps of the Wisemen” and ↖many more. “Ener
The Jewish c↖ommunity of Kharkov, Ukraine weland P4-year-old cousin, Mohamh went viral in which she was seen biting the ↖hand of an Israeli soldier hold


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